The MOST Important Video I Will EVER Publish - I'm BACK!!!
Become an NGTZ Horde Member ► Leave a tip and be on Stream ► A portion of all NGTZombies revenue, including tips, will go towards supporting custom content creators in the Zombie community. The remainder will support us in returning to YouTube fulltime. Today, I begin my comeback as the TOP CoD Zombies channel on the Internet! I've been absent for a very long time and I have so many things to share with you all. Please join me at this important event where all will be explained, including the future of the channel! Thanks to the team behind creating Der Riese Declassified! Map Link ► Team Twitter Links: ► Check out our custom, hand-made, needle-felted zombies here ► Help us out by sharing this video with your friends and leaving a LIKE! Business Inquiry Email ► Join our Discord Server ► Click here to subscribe to the NGT Zombie Horde! ► Click here for our Latest Videos ► Follow us on Twitter ► ------------------------------------------- THANK YOU for your continuing support! Rating and sharing our videos and leaving a comment is ALWAYS appreciated!
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